Simple Steps to Practice Piano or Keyboard

Daftar Isi [Tampil]

  • First, know Middle C Position.
    1. Middle C
    2. Middle C (Piano Keyboard Guide)

  • Second, know the function of the fingers of the right and left hand.
  • Third, start practicing pressing the piano or keyboard keys using your right finger repeatedly.
  • Fourth, continue to practice pressing the piano or keyboard keys using your left finger repeatedly.
  • Fifth, practice pressing the piano or keyboard keys using your right and left fingers together slowly.
  • Sixth, train your fingers using guidebooks that have been widely used since ancient times. One of the most famous books is Hanon's book.
    1. How Long To Practice Piano Scales Each Day?  Click  here.
    2. Preparation Before Practice Hanon Book
    3. Hanon ... (Slowly)

  • Seventh, exercise the fingers of the right hand and the fingers of the left hand must be done every day, at least 10 minutes per day.
  • Eighth, make it a habit from the start of practicing piano or keyboard using a guidebook, learn to read musical notation one note at a time.
  • Ninth, a very good start for starting piano or keyboard practice is starting from the C or C Major scale, don't start practicing from another scale.   Click  here.
  • Tenth, piano or keyboard practice must be done for a sufficient period of time, both in terms of the length of each practice and the duration of the practice.

    Field experience proves that piano or keyboard exercises must be done repeatedly until they can be memorized and can be practiced without using a manual, meaning that the exercises are smooth because they are memorized.

    Remember carefully, because you can get used to it. Practice makes perfect.

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