Simple Guidelines For Beginners

Daftar Isi [Tampil]

  1. C
  2. G = 1#
  3. D = 2#
  4. A = 3#
  5. E = 4#
  6. B = 5#

  7. F = 1b
  8. Bb = 2b
  9. Eb = 3b
  10. Ab = 4b
  11. Db = 5b
  12. Gb = 6b

  • Before you master other scales, please concentrate on mastering the C Major scale, including the Chord Progressions.

  • C Major Scale + Chord Progressions

  • Don't forget to practice your fingers every day before you practice scales.

  • Fingering (Hanon)

  • Mastering How To Construct Major Scales And Major Contrary Motion Scale.

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