Chord Progressions

Daftar Isi [Tampil]

  1. The Pattern/Formula

  2. The Pattern/Formula: C Major Scale

  3. Solfege or in my country Indonesia (I am Indonesian) say: Not Angka, Solmisasi or Doremifasol.
    For example: C Major Scale: Do - Re - Mi - Fa - Sol - La - Si - Do'.
    Do=1, Re=2, Mi=3, 4=Fa, 5=Sol, 6=La, Si=7, 1'=Do'.
    1'=Do' is octave. 1"=Do"=2nd octave. The Chord Progressions: 6 – 2 – 5 - 3 - 4 is the same as vi (Am) – ii (Dm) – V (G) – iii (Em) – IV (F).

    Please check it out from my blog:  here.

    Ambilpel: Diskusi Pakai Bahasa Asing

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