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How Do I Play Inversion?

Pola/Bentuk/Struktur Chord di atas berlaku untuk ke- 12 Tangga Nada Mayor, aplikasinya di sini (The Chord Pattern/Shape/Structure above applies to the 12 Major Scales, the application is here).

Can You Teach Me How To Play?

You can learn from these video (youtube):
  • First

  • 0:38 My #1 tip
  • 1:38 1st Inversion
  • 2:35 2nd Inversion
  • 3:02 Playing them together
  • 3:14 Building Speed
  • 3:58 Left-hand Inversions
  • 4:53 Practicing Hands Together

  • Second
  • Chord Inversions In Music: What Are They

  • Making smoother transitions between chords
  • In a chord progression, using different notes on the bass of some of the chords is a way of enriching the harmonic content and also to make smoother transitions between chords.

  • Ambilpel: Inversion
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